Stephen R Covey
There are multiple ‘moments that matter’, when a little extra, individualised support can really accelerate an employee’s contribution.
Retention coaching is a powerful approach giving people the tools and mindset they need to make the most of these moments.
Ultimately creating the opportunity to retain people.
Spinning a lot of plates and no real time to think about developing your people?
Love running the technical parts of your business but struggle with the people element?
You are not alone. And you've come to the right place.
When your people aren't sure how to own their own career journey, potential is lost.
Employee retention and development don't have to be dependent on the line manager, HR or the CEO.
With coaching employees learn how to take more control of their journey within a company.
With me, your people will have a safe space to work through all the paths available to them to grow where they are. They will build confidence.
Together we’ll identify the strengths and treasures they already hold, and unlock the opportunities that are waiting for them. Opportunities they might not have spotted.